I recently began thinking- "how many people are out there that are just like I used to be?" So, for those that wrestle with a calling to plant but are not convinced, let me offer a few thoughts.
You might think one could be a church planter if..
- they are cool.
- they are a natural born fundraiser.
- they have all the latest electronic gadgets.
- they use some of culture's more colorful words.
- they have a Seminary or Bible college degree.
- they have access to tons of money.
- Even though church planting is the "sexy thing to do right now" (as Ed Stetzer suggests) cool has nothing to do with planting a church. Church planting is not about "cool", it's about reaching a lost and broken world.Even nerds can do that!
- Fund raising is a skill that can be learned, practiced and mastered by anyone.
- Technology is only one means of connecting with the culture. There are many others. Besides, tech people gravitate towards church plants,
- There are enough descriptive words in the dictionary apart from culture's colorful words.
- While professional training for ministry is good, Seminary and Bible college tend to prepare pastors, not planters. I have observed that most planters do not make good pastors and most pastors do not make good planters. Church planting is also a skill that can be developed and when combined with vision, spiritual gifts and personality makes a person a planter. Also, never forget that the greatest movements in church history we not led by educated clergy.
- You can start a church with little to no money- in a home, a business, community center, etc.
- You have a passion to see lost people and communities transformed by Jesus.
- You have a holy dissatisfaction with church as usual.
- You are entrepreneurial. That is- you have the ability to envision a better future and the ability make it happen.
- You sense God is calling you to plant.
- You are passionately Spirit-led.
- Other's encourage you to plant.
- You have invested your life in others that they would grow as disciples of Jesus.
Of course there are some other things we look for in church planters. That's where our planter assessment process becomes valuable.
Finally, you might be a church planter if you walk with God in the process of discerning your call to see if planting in your call. SENT NE is here to walk you through the process. If you are reading this and are even the slightest bit curious as to whether you might be a church planter, I would love to talk with you!
Finally, you might be a church planter if you walk with God in the process of discerning your call to see if planting in your call. SENT NE is here to walk you through the process. If you are reading this and are even the slightest bit curious as to whether you might be a church planter, I would love to talk with you!