Friday, April 13, 2012

Someone Who Gets It!

Yesterday I had an inquiry about the SENT NE planting network from a church planter that does not live in the Northeast. He had been on our website: , and the Lord began to stir his heart for the Northeast. His email was a request for basic information. That's usually where people start. As I read his email, I came across a statement that caused me to pause and CELEBRATE! Here's the statement:

" I feel like God is stirring my heart to possibly move to a greater 'frontline.' I know in the Bible Belt everyone already "knows" about God and I know there are fewer true Believers in the north...."

Wow! He gets it! This guys understands the Northeast is truly the "frontline" of church planting. He understands the cultural and spiritual differences in our nation.

For years, the northeast has been labeled as a "church planters graveyard." Church planting can be hard work for any planter, yet in the Northeast, church planting is always hard work. I remember back in 2002 when we move to the Boston, South Shore and planted LifeQuest Community Church, a lot of people thought we were foolish, that we should go south where planting is easier. I have to tell you that there have been times that I wished I had. But nothing is more rewarding than working hard to develop trust, in order to develop relationship, in order to speak spiritually into a single life; and then having the privilege of introducing them to Jesus.

Come to think of it, there is something more rewarding. When church planting is consistently hard work, God shows up in consistently incredible ways!

Are you sensing a call to church planting? I want to challenge to pray for the Lord not to call you to a place that is comfortable and conveniently distant from the "frontline". Instead, pray for the privilege of planting on that front line, or better yet, enemy territory! If you are like the planter that emailed me, and God is sting your heart for the Northeast. Let me know!

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