Friday, February 4, 2011

SENT Conference

This week I was privileged to be part of the SENT conference in Melbourne Florida. SENT is the national church planting multiplication network of the Churches of God, General Conference. The network I direct, SENT Northeast, is one of 5 regional networks and part of the Eastern Regional Conference, Churches of God 2020 Initiative.

National SENT Conference in Melbourne Florida

The SENT conference in Melbourne was our first national network gathering with more than 30 planter/planter couples from all over the country. Our three day gathering included network vision casting, and some awesome equipping by Ann & Jared Roth from Evergreen Christian Center in Hillsboro Oregon. Vince ans Jen Antonucci from Verve Church in Las Vegas were also with us. They did some great teaching on "how to reach people that are far from God." Some of the take aways from the Roths include:

  • Multiplication- New churches should invest from the start, become pregnant in first 3 years, continuously cast multiplication vision and develop a culture of recruit, resource, release and reward.
  • Tribe- Relationships that are healthy & sustainable are reciprocal. 
  • Resources (time)- prioritize time with minimum of 15% in pre-Christian relationships, the majority of the rest being with team and raising leaders. It's all about relationships!
  • Resources (financial)- Invest in what you value, have a sustainable economic model, fund the mission not the institution.
  • Church plant- Have a plan that answers: What does God want to do? Who am I? Who has God sent me to? Who will do it with me? How will we evaluate our progress? Plan should only forecast out 12 months and then be revised around the ninth month for the next 12 months.
  • Coaching- Get one! Look at chemistry & competency, frequency of contact, method of interaction and time frame. Planter, not the coach should be proactive.

The SENT Conference also provided planters opportunities to interact with other planters, field directors and conference staff in warm and sunny Melbourne- quite a treat for those serving in snow country!


  1. Mike-Sounds awesome! Looks like you are/might be planting a new church...congrats! New wine in new wine skins...the best way to flow!

  2. Thanks Ernie, actually I am the Director of SENT NE planting network. My role is to recruit, process, equip and help planters launch. I have the best job in the world!

  3. Mike, it was a magnificent conference. I particularly appreciated the evaluation grids provided by the Roths - and Jared's reminder about rhythm and harmony rather than balance. _Steve Dunn
