Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wisdom Gleaned at Church Multiplication Network Planting Bootcamp

Today I was privileged to spend the day at the Church Multiplication Network Planting Bootcamp with our newest network planter Jeff Tibbetts.

Here's some food for thought:

All experiences shape planting a church. how do you leverage your experiences both good and not so good?

God is " Provision" He is for us and since he is for us who can be against us!

Creative funding of plant-
Develop a community serving non-profit ahead of your plant
Bi-vocational ministry as a way to fund your plant
Create a "for profit" business that funds your plant

2 aspects of evangelism- attracting, presenting. I'm thinking that if you have either one without the other, it's not evangelism.

Every planter should have a circle of Critical Loyalty- people you trust that love you and will speak into both the good and the bad.

Discipleship is an intentional process and needs to built into a church's structure. Otherwise, it will not happen.

And finally, a quote from a good friend and network partner, Justin Meier, " if it's not reproducing disciples, groups and churches, it's not multiplication!"

Feel free to share your thoughts!

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